
My photo
Hawaii, United States
I'm Kieran. I live in Hawaii. I like to watch movies a lot and I make them too. I also play around with flash animation, so you'll see a lot of that in my blog.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shak Budisen: The Movie set for next summer.

One of the most spontaneous ideas to spring from a random sketch was this "movie" that I hope will make it to the web at between 10 and 30 minutes, which is long considering that most Shaktoons are only about two minutes. The film was born when I drew the main villain of the film, the alley man, who I sketched absently. I liked the character so I made the drawing into a movie poster, then a movie trailer, and hopefully, a movie. Here it is  I haven't developed the story much beyond what I said in the trailer. Nilfenburger from Slick Capewill be in it but with more lines and a different voice, and although the Alley Man is the featured villain I plan on very little story and a lot of strange guest stars.

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