
My photo
Hawaii, United States
I'm Kieran. I live in Hawaii. I like to watch movies a lot and I make them too. I also play around with flash animation, so you'll see a lot of that in my blog.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shak Budisen Commentary

Shak's Aikido made the first season of Shak Budisen complete, even though it is only three episodes, now I have compiled them all and recorded a commentary track And here is the complete first season, the second season will begin as soon as I feel like it
Coming soon is a new series of post, the thoughts on series. Sometimes when I see a movie, it's really too late for me to review it, but sometimes viewing a film for the second time or seeing it later than others can still make me think, so these scoreless reviews will begin soon on my favorite older films and the ones that will be remembered as black holes of suckiness and bad filmmaking.

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